Community Invites

The AdrenCAD Community Invites system allows you to create invitation codes that can be shared with other AdrenCAD users, enabling them to join your community. This documentation provides a step-by-step guide on how to create community invites and how users can utilize them to become members of your community.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Accessing the Community Invites System

  3. Creating a Community Invite

  4. Sharing the Invite Code

  5. Joining a Community using an Invite Code

  6. Managing Community Invites

  7. Conclusion

1. Introduction

The Community Invites system in AdrenCAD provides a convenient way for community owners and administrators to invite new users to join their community. By generating invitation codes, you can control who can become a member, maintain the community's exclusivity, and foster a sense of community engagement.

2. Accessing the Community Invites System

To access the Community Invites system, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your AdrenCAD account.

  2. Navigate to the community's Settings panel.

  3. Look for the "Community Invites" option and click on it.

3. Creating a Community Invite

Once you have accessed the Community Invites system, you can create new invites to share with potential members. Follow these steps to create a community invite:

  1. In the Community Invites panel, click on the "Create Invite" button.

  2. Optionally, you can set an expiration date for the invite code.

  3. Save the changes.

Upon saving, a new invite code will be generated, ready to be shared with others.

4. Sharing the Invite Code

To invite users to join your community, share the generated invite code with them. You can use various methods to share the invite code, including email, messaging apps, or community-specific communication channels. Ensure you communicate any additional instructions or guidelines to the potential members regarding the use of the invite code.

5. Joining a Community using an Invite Code

AdrenCAD users who receive an invite code can use it to join your community. To join a community using an invite code, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the AdrenCAD platform using your account.

  2. Locate the "Join Community" option in the user interface.

  3. Enter the invite code provided to you.

  4. Submit the invite code.

Upon successful submission of the invite code, you will become a member of the community associated with that invite.

6. Managing Community Invites

The Community Invites system provides options to manage and monitor the invites you have created. You can perform the following actions:

  • View Invite Codes: In the Community Invites panel, you can see a list of all the invite codes you have generated, along with their expiration dates (if applicable).

  • Revoke Invites: If needed, you can revoke an invite code to prevent further users from joining using that specific code. This action is irreversible, and the invite code will no longer be valid.

  • Generate New Invites: You can create additional invite codes by following the steps outlined in Section 3.

7. Conclusion

The AdrenCAD Community Invites system streamlines the process of inviting new users to join your community. By creating invite codes and sharing them with potential members, you can grow your community while maintaining control over membership. Additionally, the system allows you to manage and monitor invites effectively. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, please refer to the AdrenCAD support documentation or contact our support team.

Last updated